Saturday, May 7, 2011

Written Proof

My heart pounded, my head spun. I was only filling out paperwork. I was registering my baby for his first year of school. I was answering the medical questions.

Does your child have a life threatening condition? __yes __no
I checked yes

Does your child take medication that could be life threatening? __yes __no
I checked yes

What is you main concern about your child's medical care at school?______ _________________
No room for the essay in my head, so I said, "His blood sugar needs to be checked often. I'm concerned that he will go low and nobody will notice."

I left that whole section blank. Because if there is an emergency and I or my husband can't be reached, the doctor is the only other option. Nobody else knows what to do.

This sucks. That is all.


  1. I hate filling out that paperwork. Heidi at D-tales has some great ideas for teacher information sheets. I was complimented by someone from our district for one of them... I had to admit that the ideas were "borrowed".

  2. :)...It is scary. I had a rough time the kindergarten year.

  3. Hang in there Trish! Emma was diagnosed just 2 months before she started junior kindergarten is definitely majorly SCARY to trust a complete stranger with your childs life. Please feel free to email me though if there is anything I can offer up to help...advice on how we did it or even just an ear to listen to ya vent! HUGS!

  4. All that school paperwork -- blech! But it's a necessity. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. I have cheat sheets for teachers, a letter for sub teachers, a letter for other parents, training info, etc.

    Lora, thanks! :)
